Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sandrina's Review

The Classic Gratuity Dilemma: Who Are You Tipping?
StingyTipper recently realized that ST had driven by the same corner pub in the city for nearly 20 years and had never stopped in to check it out.   That changed Friday night when ST, eschewing the local parish Fish Fry, decided to enjoy dinner with spouse and son at Sandrina’s, located at the corner of Arsenal and Brannon in beautiful South St. Louis City.  Why did StingyTipper wait so long to stop by?  Perhaps it was the nondescript façade of the building, or maybe the impression it gives as being just a bar--dispelled by going on-line to check out their dining menu.  Whatever the reason, StingyTipper enjoyed the experience and will definitely put Sandrina’s on the recommended list, despite some flaws in the service.
Before proceeding, ST must acknowledge that ST’s own rules have been broken in conducting a S.E.R.V.I.C.E. review of Sandrina’s, because ST has committed to reviewing only locally owned establishments which have not been granted an exception from the St. Louis ban on smoking in dining venues.  ST promises to redouble efforts to follow this prescript;  but, unfortunately, the smoking situation was not known until we entered Sandrina’s and realized smoking was allowed.  
The service at Sandrina’s was certainly interesting, garnering a total S.E.R.V.I.C.E. rating score of 13 out of a possible 21.  Upon arrival, we wandered around the place, with no greeting or assistance on seating, until we settled ourselves at a table in the large bar area.  This prompted a one (1) rating for Salutation (despite the fact that our wandering enabled us to check out a really cool mural in the dining room depicting several St. Louis luminaries.)  Equity and Informed criteria both were fine, rating the requisite two (2), while Responsiveness and Value criteria rated a respectable three (3).   The Comfort score was closing in on a three (3) as we were  really feeling cozy and comfortable in this unique space;  but then the hammering started late in our meal.  Someone thought it would be a good idea to hammer new gliders onto the legs of the bar stools during dinner time, rather than waiting until customers were not present. Too bad, as it changed ST’s Comfort rating to a one.
But the criteria that drove StingyTipper the craziest was the E factor-the overall Experience.  We were waited on by a team of four to five (ST lost count!) different servers,  and by the end of the evening Stingy Tipper was clueless as to whom ST should be leaving a gratuity.  Was it the nice man from behind the bar who eventually greeted us warmly and took our drink and appetizer order?  Or was it the blond woman who then took over, reviewed the menu, and placed our order for entrees?   Or maybe it was the person who then-- after we were at least informed of the next “hand off”--delivered our food to the table and ensured our satisfaction?   Then, after eating, we were waited upon by the first gentleman, the blond waitress, the person who delivered the food, and some additional person whose role ST still   can’t figure out.  StingyTipper understands, appreciates and values the concept of “teamwork” in getting a meal on the table, especially in (family-owned?) dining establishments.  But this was ridiculous!  StingyTipper was so flummoxed by the number of people providing service that ST forgot the parameters of the S.E.R.V.I.C.E. rating system. The total score was 13 (see below), and ST left a 13.6% tip.  The correct “not-too-stingy” tip should have been 15%.  Sorry Sandrina’s, but ST will try to make up for it on the next visit—particularly because we really enjoyed the food-- if you can just get your wait service team down to an acceptable two persons.  

Scoring Key

1 = Unsatisfactory    2 = Satisfactory    3 = Commendable


Salutation                     =  1
Equity                            =  2
Responsiveness            =  3
Value                             =  3
Informed                       =  2
Comfort                         =  1
Experience                     =  1

            Total Score:                   13 = 13.6%

(tipped 13.6%, but should have tipped a “not-too-stingy” 15%)

Gratuity Scoring Guidelines

                   "Stingy"                        7-10 = Tip Same %          
                   "Not-too-Stingy"      11-14 = Tip 15%               
                   "Gracious"                   15-21 = Tip Same %

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