Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Surprise and a Disappointment in the Same Week

StingyTipper dined out twice in the last week (a recent record!), experiencing a pleasant surprise first, followed by a service experience so disappointing that ST walked out of the restaurant after waiting over an hour for service that never materialized.

First the good news….

What more can one say or write about O’Connell’s Pub at Shaw and South Kingshighway that hasn’t already been expressed?  (Best Burgers….Best Irish Pub….Best Atmosphere….Best--i.e., Most Curmudgeon--Waitresses….Best Value….Best Transplant from Gaslight Square ….etc., etc.)  It must be one of the most written about establishments in St. Louis.  On a recent dining excursion there with two family members, StingyTipper was reminded once again why this establishment garners so much attention.  The surprise of the evening was that the service—traditionally known for its brusqueness because of the large crowds craving their food—was actually good, even by the serving host who gently kept us apprised of our expected wait in line and politely seated us after offering a choice of tables.  Particularly noteworthy was the table server’s commitment to check-in with ST (after she noticed ST’s hesitation in ordering a hamburger medium) after biting into the burger to make use it wasn’t too bloody for ST’s tastes.  Though she waited a bit too long (the hamburger was already half eaten) she actually did return and check in on ST’s satisfaction. (It was actually more medium-well than medium, so no complaints.)  All-in-all, a fine service experience, with five S.E.R.V.I.C.E. dimensions receiving a two score, while Value and overall Experience received a 3, translating into a 16% score/gratuity.  However, ST rounded up to $7.65 (17.25%) because of the overall Value quotient—O’Connell’s continues to be one of the most economical places to dine in the city.

Now the bad news…..Just a short distance from O’Connell’s, Spaghetteria Mamma Mia on Vandeventer is where StingyTipper attended a recent non-profit fundraiser with ST’s spouse. What a S.E.R.V.I.C.E. disappointment!  Even though the restaurant knew that there was going to be a large crowd for a Tuesday night after a holiday, there were only two servers assigned to wait on the entire restaurant.   After waiting over an hour to be served (during which we received no menus, no bread, no water refills, no set-ups, no acknowledgement, no apologies) StingyTipper had had enough and left the place before the surly waitress could take the order (and before ST could create a scene!), leaving poor StingyTipper’s spouse to continue supporting the fundraiser alone.  Much to StingyTipper’s avengement, ST’s spouse came home about an hour later with further service horror stories that eventuated in leaving only a 10% gratuity.  Normally I would say that this was a situation where management--for not scheduling enough workers--was at fault and not the individual server.  However, the server made no attempt to appease our table or offer apologies, actually becoming accusatory and hostile (she actually yelled her disapproval at ST’s spouse when she saw she only received a 10% tip). Inexcusable for anyone making a living by providing service!  (This might be a good time to re-read the preamble and philosophy of StingyTipper, contained elsewhere on this blog, to reaffirm what ST is trying to accomplish with this S.E.R.V.I.C.E rating system.)     

Scoring Key

1 = Unsatisfactory    2 = Satisfactory    3 = Commendable

O'Connell's Scoring


Salutation                     =  2
Equity                            =  2
Responsiveness            =  2
Value                             =  3
Informed                       =  2
Comfort                         =  2
Experience                     =  3

            Total Score:                   16 = 16.0%

(But 17.25% was left due to overall Value making gratuity-leaving more affordable.)

Scoring Key

1 = Unsatisfactory    2 = Satisfactory    3 = Commendable

Spaghetteria Mamma Mia


Salutation                     =  0
Equity                            =  0
Responsiveness            =  0
Value                             =  0
Informed                       =  0
Comfort                         =  0
Experience                     =  0

            Total Score:                   0 = 0%

(StingyTipper left the restaurant after receiving no service for over an hour.  ST’s    spouse, who remained with other guests, left 10% reflecting the same experience with poor service. )