Monday, May 23, 2011

Stingy Tipper's Brazie's Review

Why 17%?
Besides being stingy, why would StingyTipper leave a 17% gratuity instead of rounding it up to the more traditional and expected 18%?  Why couldn’t StingyTipper find it within ST’s inner being to stretch towards leaving an 18% tip?  What would compel StingyTipper to mince a 1% difference?  Such was the dilemma faced when dining out recently for a wedding anniversary celebration at Brazie’s Italian Restaurant, located at Watson and Arsenal in South City. 

Perhaps the answer lies in expectations.   Before relocating from its storefront position on Hampton Avenue a few years ago, Brazie’s was one of StingyTipper’s favorite dining establishments, not only because of the food, but also due to the exceptional service rendered.  After finally making it to the “new” location, StingyTipper was looking forward to encountering the same great service that was a Brazie’s trademark.  And, indeed, ST was not disappointed.   The Salutation was commendable (score of 3), as were the Equity and Value dimensions of the S.E.R.V.I.C.E. rating system.  All other areas scored a 2 (satisfactory), for a total score of 17.  Thus, a 17% gratuity. 

But somehow, however, Stingy Tipper perceived a subtle slippage in the overall quality of service to which ST had grown accustomed at the old location.  Examples include:   insufficient attention to the need for a wine chiller and lack of attention to wine pouring service, waiting too long after the arrival of entrĂ©es to check back on our needs and satisfaction, and not offering any “treat” in acknowledgement of spending our wedding anniversary at their establishment.   Sometimes it’s the little things that make the difference between leaving an 18% (or higher) gratuity and a lower one.   StingyTipper wanted to send the message that these types of little things do indeed make a difference (in this case only a 1% difference) between good service and great service.  StingyTipper’s fondest hope is that on the next visit to Brazie’s these little things will not recur so that ST will feel compelled to leave a full 18% tip, if not higher.    

Scoring Key

1 = Unsatisfactory    2 = Satisfactory    3 = Commendable


Salutation                     =  3
Equity                            =  3
Responsiveness            =  2
Value                             =  3
Informed                       =  2
Comfort                         =  2
Experience                     =  2

            Total Score:                   17 = 17.0%

Gratuity Scoring Guidelines

                   "Stingy"                        7-10 = Tip Same %          
                   "Not-too-Stingy"      11-15 = Tip 15%               
                   "Gracious"                   16-21 = Tip Same %

Saturday, May 7, 2011

StingyTipper's Tip of the Week

Remember to still tip your server when you head out for those big Mother's Day buffets. 
Happy Mother's Day.