Monday, April 25, 2011

Guido's on The Hill Review

Why does StingyTipper love Guido’s Pizzeria and Tapas restaurant so much, after only two visits to this Hill dining establishment?  Is it the clean, crisp, bustling atmosphere that reminds ST of restaurants from ST’s many years in Chicago?  Or maybe it’s the friendly welcome from the “traditional Nana” by the front door, who greets and seats with a warm smile and engaging sense of humor?  Perhaps it’s the kinky appeal of the restaurant’s overall concept—Italian food together with Spanish tapas (all delicious!).  Or could it be that they go out of their way to make you happy:  On our visit Saturday, even the chef thanked us profusely as we exited the front door he was holding open for us.
In the final analysis, I believe it’s the E criteria—overall Experience—of the S.E.R.V. I. C.E. rating system that makes Guido’s so special.    One leaves Guido’s feeling good, wanting to come back soon, and eager to recommend it to one’s friends and family. 
Five of the seven S.E.R.V.I.C.E. rating system criteria scored at the three (commendable) level—Salutation, Responsiveness, Value, Comfort and Experience.  Equity and Informed criteria both scored a requisite two (satisfactory).   Unlike StingyTipper’s most recent dining experience, where it was impossible to figure out who, among the five people who waited on us, should actually receive the gratuity (see review on Sandrina’s), our server at Guido’s was the same from start to finish--and she was excellent!  She was welcoming, appropriately friendly, and attentive to our needs, and was even able to make lemonade out of lemons:  when she brought us the wrong version of the goat cheese appetizer we had ordered, she promptly acknowledged the slip-up and brought the correct item, allowing us to keep the incorrect (but still delicious!) appetizer at no charge.  However, StingyTipper was a bit disappointed that, once our main courses had arrived, it was a good 15 to 20 minutes before she checked back with us regarding our satisfaction and needs.  In her defense, it was a very busy evening; but we were seated right by the service breezeway which she passed several times before checking in with us.
Guido’s, StingyTipper will be back!  You make us feel good about being a St. Louis restaurant diner and the quality of service in the Gateway City.  A future blog (after completing several out-of-town trips for work) will provide StingyTipper’s perspective on the difference ST witnesses between service in St. Louis and other restaurants in which ST has dined across the country. 

Scoring Key

1 = Unsatisfactory    2 = Satisfactory    3 = Commendable


Salutation                     =  3
Equity                            =  2
Responsiveness            =  3
Value                             =  3
Informed                       =  2
Comfort                         =  3
Experience                     =  3

            Total Score:                   19 = 18.3%

19  (but ST only left an 18.3% gratuity due to rounding on the non-tax total—after all, I am the StingyTipper!)

Gratuity Scoring Guidelines(Updated)

                   "Stingy"                        7-10 = Tip Same % as score         
                   "Not-too-Stingy"      11-15 = Tip 15%                          
                   "Gracious"                   16-21 = Tip Same % as score                 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

StingyTipper's Tip of the Week

StingyTipper is changing the S.E.R.V.I.C.E. rating system to make it easier for you to follow:

Total Score of 7 to 10 = Tip the same % as the score.        “Stingy”  
Total score of 11 to 15 = Tip 15%.                                      “Not-too-stingy”         
Total score of 16 to 21 = Tip the same % as the score.      “Gracious” 

Friday, April 1, 2011

StingyTipper's Tip of the Week

I just had great food, but lousy service, in a Baton Rouge restaurant during my lunch break today.  This is sometimes the dilemma you'll confront--good food but bad service.  What to do?  Follow the  S.E.R.V.I.C.E rating system, no matter how scrumptious the food, because great food deserves great service!